Testi canzoni Fanny Lumsden
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Big Ol' Dry
- Black And White
- Dig
- Elastic Waistband
- Enjoy The Ride
- Fallow
- Fierce
- Great Divide
- Grown Ups
- Here To Hear
- Hey Dawn
- Lucky
- Millionaire
- Mountain Song
- Mountain Song Reprise
- Peed In The Pool
- Peppercorn Tree
- Perfect Mess
- Pretty Little Fools
- Rain On Your Parade
- Real Class Act
- Real Men Don't Cry (War On Pride)
- Roll On
- Shootin' The Breeze
- Soar
- Stories
- These Days
- This Too Shall Pass
- Tidy Town
- Ugly Flowers
- Watershed
- When I Die
- Wishing
- You'll Be Fine