Testi canzoni Yves Tumor
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- ...And Loyalty Is A Nuisance Child
- A Greater Love
- Asteroid Blues
- Crushed Velvet
- Dream Palette
- Ebony Eye
- Echolalia
- Fear Evil Like Fire
- Folie Imposée
- God Is A Circle
- Gospel For A New Century
- Hasdallen Lights
- Heaven Surrounds Us Like A Hood
- Identity Trade
- In Spite Of War
- Interlude
- Jackie
- Katrina
- Kerosene!
- Lovely Sewer
- Medicine Burn
- Meteora Blues
- Operator
- Parody
- Purified By The Fire
- Romanticist
- Secrecy Is Incredibly Important To The Both Of Them
- Strawberry Privilege
- Super Stars
- Tuck