Testi canzoni Yules
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Absolute Believer testo
- Too Far To See testo
- Kindhearted Mother testo
- Absolute Believer (laid Back Version) testo
Absolute Believer [EP] (2010)
- The Release testo
- Carry On testo
- Desperation Land testo
- The Previous Time testo
- This Is My Xmas Song testo
- Refugee testo
- Warning To The Powerful Orators testo
- Sarah testo
- My 70's Girl testo
- The Unconscious Master testo
- Over In America testo
- One Sleepless Night testo
- Witness Of Us testo
- Last Embraces testo
The Release (2007)
- Uptight testo
- Great Day testo
- Mr.southwell testo
Uptight [EP] (2005)
- Border Line testo
- New Life? testo
- Them And The Dark Men testo
- Silent #1 testo
- Silent #2 testo
- Complices De Vie(s) testo