Testi canzoni Weerd Science
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- Più Visitati
- Asylum in Skin testo
- Blueprint testo
- Conspiracy Theories Without Mel Gibson testo
- Dear S.A.M. I'm Dead To You testo
- Fuck All People testo
- Fuck You And Your Filthy A&R Dept. testo
- Girl, Your Baby's Wormfood testo
- God Bless Pepsi testo
- Heaven Burns testo
- How To Be A... testo
- I Wish I Went To College testo
- In A City With No Name testo
- Joshua, They're Laughing At You testo
- Methods N Test Tubes testo
- My War, Your Problem testo
- Ordinary Joe testo
- Ordinary Joe (WCH) testo
- Suck My Dick testo
- Super Friends testo
- The Sitcom Really Really Isn't All That Real testo