Testi canzoni Swans
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- No Words/No Thoughts testo
- Reeling The Liars In testo
- Jim testo
- My Birth testo
- You Fucking People Make Me Sick testo
- Inside Madeline testo
- Eden Prison testo
- Little Mouth testo
My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky (2010)
- I Am The Sun testo
- She Lives! testo
- Celebrity Lifestyle testo
- Mother/father testo
- Blood Promise testo
- Mind/body/light/sound testo
- My Buried Child testo
- Alcohol The Seed testo
- Killing For Company testo
- Mothers Milk testo
- What Does A Body Mean? testo
- Telepathy testo
- The Great Annihilator testo
The great AnnIhilator (2002)
- Red Velvet Corridor (Music: Gira) testo
- I Was A Prisoner In Your Skull (Music: Gira) testo
- Helpless Child (Music/words: Gira) testo
- Live Through Me (Music: Gira) testo
- Yum-yab Killers (Music/words: Jarboe) testo
- The Beautiful Days (Music: Gira) testo
- Volcano (Words/music: Jarboe) testo
- Mellothumb (Music: Gira) testo
- All Lined Up (Words/music: Gira) testo
- Surrogate 2 (Music: Gira/jarboe) testo
- How They Suffer (Music: Gira) testo
- Animus (Music/words: Gira) testo
- Red Velvet Wound (Words/music: Jarboe) testo
- The Sound (Words/music: Gira) testo
- Her Mouth Is Filled With Honey (Music Gira/jarboe) testo
- Bloodsection (Music: Gira) testo
- Hypogirl (Words/music: Gira) testo
- Minus Something (Music: Gira/jarboe) testo
- Empathy (Words/music: Gira) testo
- I Love You This Much (Music: Gira) testo
- Yrp (Words/music: Gira) testo
- Fan's Lament (Music: Gira) testo
- Secret Friends (Music: Gira/jarboe) testo
- The Final Sac (Words/music: Gira) testo
- Yrp 2 (Music: Gira) testo
- Surrogate Drone (Music: Gira) testo
Soundtracks For The Blind (1996)
- A Hanging testo
- You Need Me testo
- Another You testo
- Coward testo
- Blackmail testo
Holy Money (1993)
- I Crawled testo
- Raping A Slave testo
- Young God testo
- This Is Mine testo
Young God Ep (1993)
- Better Than You testo
- Power And Sacrifice testo
- You Know Nothing testo
- Song For Dead Time testo
- Will We Survive testo
- Love Will Save You testo
- Failure testo
- Song For The Sun testo
- Miracle Of Love testo
- When She Breathes testo
- Why Are We Alive? testo
- The Most Unfortunate Lie testo
White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity (1991)
- Nothing Without You testo
- Everything At Once testo
- Breathing Water testo
- The Center Of Your Heart testo
- 24 Hours testo
- One Small Sacrifice testo
- Turned To Stone testo
SKIN : Shame, Humility, Revenge (1988)
- One Thousand Years testo
- We'll Fall Apart testo
- Still A Child testo
- Come Out testo
- Red Rose testo
- Blood On Your Hands testo
SKIN: Blood, Women, Roses (1987)
- Speak testo
- Laugh testo
- Sensitive Skin testo
- Take Advantage testo