Testi canzoni Sofi de La Torre
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- $
- 19 In Mexico
- 3 Is The New 2
- A Little Bit
- A Little Less Terrified
- Avísame
- Babel
- Bury You
- Cocktails & Emotions
- Colorblind Cruisin
- Como Judas Los Besos
- Coupé
- D.G.I.T.
- Dimelo
- Estamos Mal
- Estamos Mal (feat. Jay Robles & Yassir) Remix
- Faster
- Faster (From Rubinrot)
- Flex Your Way Out
- Heartbeat
- I'll Take The Flowers
- Karma
- London X Paris
- Mentiendes
- Mess
- Mine
- My Bad
- Nike Grey
- No Soy Nada Sensata
- Old You
- Pero No
- The Perfect Fall (Soundtrack Version)
- U Can't Do Easy (demo 001)
- Views Of You
- Voicebreaks
- Wings
- Y Duele
- Yo Sé
- Your Only