Testi canzoni Socratic
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- A Diamond In A World Of Coal
- Alexandria As Our Lens
- Another Headache
- B To E
- Blend In
- Boy In A Magazine
- Break Out The Violins
- Constant Apology
- Dead For Days
- Decay
- Don't Say
- Funeral Masses
- I Am The Doctor
- I Don't Wear A Coat
- I Haven't Seen You In Years
- Janis Joplin Hands
- Long Distance Calls
- Lunch For The Sky
- May I Bum A Smoke
- Relevant Elephant
- She's The Type Of Girl
- Sleepless Nights
- Spending Galore
- Spots I've Been And Go
- Spread The Rumors
- Storms Over Parades
- Switzerland
- Tear A Gash
- The Dense Indents
- The Spanish Singer
- Theme From Your Mother's Garden
- This Opinion Of Mine
- Too Late, Too Soon
- Troma
- Turn
- U And Left Turns
- We Burn Houses