Testi canzoni Sleeping Giant
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Whoremonger: Epilogue To Adultery
- Behold The Pale Horse (For Vinnie And John)
- Blame It On The Holy Rollers (Romans 8:31)
- Blood Meridian
- Brother's Keeper
- Christus Victor
- Clear Eyes, Full Hearts
- Clutches
- Confession
- Covenant
- Death Knell
- Descending Into Hell
- Dynasty (For Maryn Victoria Green)
- Finished People
- Fly. Fight. Crow.
- Gang Signs
- Haunted
- He Will Reign
- Hosanna
- I've Seen
- King Of Kings
- Lantern
- Narrow Road
- No Love
- No One Leaves This Room Sick
- No Sleep From My Eyes
- No Sleep Pt. 2
- Oh Praise Him
- Overthrow
- Preachcore Lives!
- Reformation
- Second Chance Kids
- Sleeping Giant
- Smashed Upon The Rock
- Son Of God, Son Of Man
- Sons Of Thunder
- The Army Of One
- The Army Of The Chosen One
- The Great Divorce
- The Power Of Prayer
- The Streets Don't Lie
- This Calls For Patient Endurance On The Part Of The Saints
- This Is The Word
- Victory
- Violence