Testi canzoni Sia
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Little Wing testo
- Immortal Queen testo
- Dance Alone testo
- I Had A Heart testo
- Gimme Love testo
- Nowhere To Be testo
- Towards The Sun testo
- Incredible testo
- Champion testo
- I Forgive You testo
- Wanna Be Known testo
- One Night testo
- Fame Won't Love You testo
- Go On testo
- Rock And Balloon testo
- Did Me A Favor testo
Reasonable Woman (2024)
- Together testo
- Hey Boy testo
- Saved My Life testo
- Floating Through Space testo
- Eye To Eye testo
- Music testo
- 1+1 testo
- Courage To Change testo
- Play Dumb testo
- Beautiful Things Can Happen testo
- Lie To Me testo
- Oblivion testo
- Miracle testo
- Hey Boy (Remix) testo
Music - Songs From and Inspired By the Motion Picture (2021)
- Santa's Coming For Us testo
- Candy Cane Lane testo
- Snowman testo
- Snowflake testo
- Ho Ho Ho testo
- Puppies Are Forever testo
- Sunshine testo
- Underneath The Mistletoe testo
- Everyday Is Christmas testo
- Underneath The Christmas Lights testo
- Round And Round testo
- My Old Santa Claus testo
- Sing For My Life testo
- Pin Drop testo
- Santa Visits Everyone testo
- Snowman (Slowed Down & Snowed In Remix) testo
- Naughty & Nice testo
- 12 Nights testo
- 3 Minutes 'Til New Years testo
Everyday Is Christmas (Deluxe) (2021)
- We Are Your Children testo
- Losing You testo
- Waterfall testo
- Suitcase testo
- Hurt Together testo
- Iko Iko testo
- To Be Human testo
- Free Me testo
We Are Your Children (2017)
- Bird Set Free testo
- Alive testo
- One Million Bullets testo
- Move Your Body testo
- Unstoppable testo
- Cheap Thrills testo
- Reaper testo
- House On Fire testo
- Footprints testo
- Sweet Design testo
- Broken Glass testo
- Space Between testo
- First Fighting A Sandstorm testo
- Summer Rain testo
- Cheap Thrills (feat. Sean Paul) testo
- Confetti testo
- Move Your Body (New Version) testo
- Midnight Decisions testo
- Jesus Wept testo
- The Greatest testo
This Is Acting (2016)
- Chandelier testo
- Big Girls Cry testo
- Burn The Pages testo
- Eye Of The Needle testo
- Hostage testo
- Straight For The Knife testo
- Fair Game testo
- Elastic Heart testo
- Free The Animal testo
- Fire Meet Gasoline testo
- Cellophane testo
- Dressed In Black testo
- Born Yesterday testo
- Cold Love testo
1000 Forms Of Fear (2014)
- Hostage testo
Hostage (2012)
- The Fight testo
- Clap Your Hands testo
- Stop Trying testo
- You've Changed testo
- Be Good To Me testo
- Bring Night testo
- Hurting Me Now testo
- Never Gonna Leave Me testo
- Cloud testo
- I'm In Here testo
- The Co-dependent testo
- Big Girl Little Girl testo
- Oh Father testo
- Making We Are Born testo
We Are Born (2010)
- Little Black Sandals testo
- Lentil testo
- You Have Been Loved testo
- The Girl You Lost To Cocaine testo
- Academia testo
- I Go To Sleep testo
- Playground testo
- Death By Chocolate testo
- Soon We'll Be Found testo
- Electric Bird testo
- Beautiful Calm Driving testo
- Lullaby testo
- Buttons testo
Some People Have Real Problems (2007)
- Angel By The Wings testo
- Balladino testo
- Beautiful People testo
- Born Yesterday testo
- Breath Me testo
- California Dreamin' testo
- Cheap Thrills testo
- Cheap Thrills (feat. Sean Paul) testo
- Courage To Change testo
- Deer In Headlights testo
- Deja Vu testo
- Destiny testo
- Distractions testo
- Elastic Heart testo
- Flames testo
- Freeze You Out testo
- Gimme Love testo
- Helium testo
- Helium (Sia Vs. David Guetta & Afrojack) testo
- I'm Still Here testo
- I’m In Here testo
- Kill And Run testo
- Light Headed testo
- Like A River Runs testo
- Living Out Loud testo
- Magic testo
- Manchild testo
- Moonquake Lake testo
- My Arena testo
- My Love testo
- Never Give Up testo
- One Candle testo
- Opportunity testo
- Original (From Dolittle) testo
- Out There testo
- Pictures testo
- Pictures testo
- Rainbow testo
- Riding On My Byke testo
- Salted Wound testo
- Satisfied testo
- Sea Shells testo
- She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) testo
- Solsbury Hill testo
- Step By Step testo
- Sunday 2 testo
- The Pageant Of The Bizarre testo
- Titanium (feat. David Guetta) testo
- Voodoo testo
- Waving Goodbye testo
- You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile testo