Testi canzoni Shikari
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Verloren Bij Aanvang testo
- God Zij Geprezen testo
- Overwegingen testo
- Nooit Te Stoppen testo
Shikari / Louise Cyphre 9 (2005)
- Dead Men testo
- Morning Wood testo
- Utopia Dismantled testo
- The Last Thing testo
Shikari 7 EP (2002)
- In Existence testo
- The Kids Shouldn't Be Playing With Fire testo
- Tekila testo
- Attitude testo
Shikari / Seein' Red 10 (2002)
- Post Student Syndrome testo
- Copycat testo
- Robot Wars testo
- Made a blueprint for my own reassurance Funny, how everything seems to be falling apart When the most precious of thoughts is proven wrong Made a blueprint to cut out my insecurities Now I can only question the need of trying to structure my life testo
- Written In Some Depressive Mood testo
- Encounters testo
- You Know So Well testo
- Fuel testo