Testi canzoni Phil Wickham
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Here We Come A'Caroling testo
- Angels (Glory To God) testo
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen testo
- Shepherd Boy testo
- Silent Night, Holy Night testo
- Behold testo
- Deck The Halls testo
- A Cradle In Bethlehem testo
- Hallelujah! It's Christmas testo
- Winter Wonderland testo
- Worth The Wait testo
- Holy Forever testo
- Manger Throne testo
- O Christmas Tree (Greatest Story) testo
- Merry Christmas testo
Hallelujah! It's Christmas! (2024)
- Battle Belongs testo
- Hymn Of Heaven testo
- House Of The Lord testo
- It's Always Been You testo
- Where I'm Standing Now (feat. Brandon Lake) testo
- Reason I Sing testo
- His Name Is Jesus testo
- 1,000 Names testo
- Falling In Love testo
- Look To Jesus testo
- God Of Revival testo
- 3:16 (Spontaneous) testo
- Heart Full Of Praise testo
Hymn Of Heaven (2021)
- Hark The Herald Angels Sing testo
- Joy To The World (Joyful, Joyful) testo
- Away In A Manger (Forever Amen) testo
- Angels We Have Heard On High testo
- This Year For Christmas testo
- Star Of Wonder testo
- The Christmas Waltz testo
- Face Of God testo
- What Child Is This testo
- We Wish You (A Merry, Peaceful, Wonderful Christmas) testo
Christmas (2019)
- Great Things testo
- You Cannot Be Stopped testo
- Anthem // Great Are You Lord testo
- Tethered testo
- Tremble // What A Beautiful Name testo
- Forever (We Sing Hallelujah) testo
- Living Hope testo
- Till I Found You testo
- 10,000 Reasons testo
- Highest Praise testo
- Heart Of Worship testo
- Komh // Hgiyl // Optn testo
Singalong 4 (Live) (2019)
- Great Things testo
- Living Hope testo
- Breath Away testo
- Till I Found You testo
- How Great Is Your Love testo
- Boundless testo
- Song In My Soul testo
- Wild River testo
- Anthem testo
- Eyes Fixed testo
- Tethered testo
- Revive Us Again testo
- Christ Is Risen testo
- On And On testo
- For God So Loved testo
- Living Hope (House Sessions) testo
- Till I Found You (House Sessions) testo
Living Hope (2018)
- Doxology//Amen testo
- Better Than Life testo
- Your Love Awakens Me testo
- The Secret Place testo
- Wide Awake testo
- My All In All testo
- Starmaker (High Above The Earth) testo
- Children Of God testo
- Stand In Awe testo
- Body Mind & Soul testo
- As It Is In Heaven testo
- Spirit Of God testo