Testi canzoni Nina Persson
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Animal Heart testo
- Burning Bridges For Fuel testo
- Dreaming Of Houses testo
- Clip Your Wings testo
- Jungle testo
- Food For The Beast testo
- Digestiv testo
- Forgot To Tell You testo
- Catch Me Cryin' testo
- The Grand Destruction Game testo
- Silver Like The Moon testo
- This Is Heavy Metal testo
Animal Heart (2014)
- Algebra testo
- Angel Of Sadness testo
- Bear On The Beach testo
- Chinatown testo
- Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground testo
- Desafinado testo
- Eau De Colonia testo
- Elephant testo
- Frequent Flyer testo
- Golden Teeth And Silver Medals testo
- Guest Of Honour testo
- Hard As A Stone testo
- Here Are Many Wild Animals testo
- I Can Buy You testo
- I Signed The Line testo
- Love Has Left The Room testo
- My America testo
- Rock 'n Roll Ghost testo
- Silent Night testo
- Song For The Leftovers testo
- Stronger Than Jesus testo
- Such A Bad Comedown testo
- The Bluest Eyes In Texas testo
- The Crowning testo
- The Oddness Of The Lord testo
- The Same Old Song testo
- The Weed Had Got There First testo
- To Be Human testo
- Walking The Cow testo