Testi canzoni Nils Landgren
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 4WD
- Another Day In Paradise
- Blekinge
- Byssan Lull
- Country
- Danger Zone
- Didn't We
- Dry
- Finish What You Started
- Funk For Life
- Hornlatar
- I Will
- If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
- Just The Way You Are
- Kenya Kane
- Kibera
- Kibera Sunrise
- Lady Madonna
- Le Chat Sur Toit
- Lobito
- Lovers Parade
- Mag Runs The Voodoo Down
- Matutu
- Maybe I'm Amazed
- Never Judge
- Norwegian Wood
- Olu
- Polygon
- Shadows In The Rain
- She's Always A Woman
- Suguta Road
- That's All
- The Brown Blues
- The Nearness Of You
- The Wedding
- Värmlandsvisan
- Why Did You Let Me Go