Testi canzoni Nils Frahm
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- #2
- A Place
- A Shimmer
- A Shine
- A Walking Embrace
- All Armed
- All Melody
- Amirador
- Artificially Intelligent
- Black Notes
- Brainwash
- Briefly
- Butter Notes
- Changes
- Do Dream
- First Defeat
- Forever Changeless
- Fundamental Values
- Hands On
- Harm Hymn
- Harmonium In The Well
- Human Range
- Kaleidoscope
- Lemon Day
- Momentum
- Mussel Memory
- My Friend The Forest
- No Step On Wing
- Right Right Right
- Ringing
- Seagull Scene
- Second Defeat
- Sheep In Black And White
- Sonar
- Spells
- Stepping Stone
- Sunson
- Sweet Little Lie
- Talisman
- The Big O
- The Dane
- The Dog With 1000 Faces
- The Roughest Trade
- The Whole Universe Wants To Be Touched
- To Thomas
- Towards Zero
- Tuesdays
- World Of Squares
- You Name It