Testi canzoni Nico Santos
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Human Being testo
Human Being (2024)
- Would I Lie To You testo
- End Of Summer testo
- Alone testo
- Too Late To Love testo
Would I Lie To You (2021)
- Running Back To You testo
- Rooftop (feat. Kool Savas & Kelvin Jones) testo
- Unforgettable (feat. Álvaro Soler) testo
- After Party (feat. Ilira) testo
- Wings testo
- Forgot How To Love Me testo
- Pull Me Out testo
- Stronger testo
- Mama (aus Sing Meinen Song, Vol. 7) testo
- Et Voilà (aus Sing Meinen Song, Vol. 7) testo
- Wir Werden Uns Wiedersehen (aus Sing Meinen Song, Vol. 7) testo
Nico Santos (Special Edition) (2020)
- Where You Are testo