Testi canzoni Mary Moore Singers
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- A-Rovin' testo
- Change Is Good testo
- Da Pacem Domine (Give Us Peace) testo
- Gee, Mom, I Want to Go Home testo
- Gonna Build a Mountain testo
- Is That Mister Reilly? testo
- Loch Lomond testo
- Mr. Scott Joplin's Ragtime Rag! testo
- Octopus's Garden testo
- One of Those Songs testo
- Rattlesnake testo
- Reach testo
- River of My People testo
- Star Canon testo
- Sweet Potatoes testo
- The Herring testo
- The Rainbow Connection testo
- The Wabash Cannonball testo
- Three Little Birds testo
- Throw It Out the Window testo
- Tum Balalaika testo
- Uncle Pen testo
- Walking in the Air testo
- We Want to Sing testo
- Where Is John? [Canon] testo
- Where Is John? [Unison] testo