Testi canzoni Liz Durrett
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Ablaze
- All Of Them All
- All The Spokes
- Always Signs
- Bc
- Captive
- Creepyaskudzu
- Cup On The Counter
- Far From Home
- How Can I Tell You
- Husk
- In A Manner Of Speaking
- In The Eaves
- In The Throes
- Knives At The Wall
- Little Ascendant
- Lost Hiker
- Lull
- Marlene
- Net
- No Apology
- Not Running
- Note For A Girl
- November
- Perfect Day
- Shivering Assembly
- Silent Partner
- Slip
- Some Say (I Got Devil)
- Somewhere
- The Mezzanine
- The One I Love
- The Sea A Dream
- They Say It
- Try (Try To Fall In Love)
- Vine
- Vw
- Wake To Believe
- We Build Bridges
- Wild As Them
- You Live Alone
- You There