Testi canzoni Linkin Park
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Lost testo
- Fighting Myself testo
- More The Victim testo
- Massive testo
- Healing Foot testo
- A6 (Meteora|20 Demo) testo
- Cuidado (Lying From You Demo) testo
- Husky (Hit The Floor Demo) testo
- Interrogation (Easier To Run Demo) testo
- Faint (Meteora|20 Demo) testo
- Plaster 2 (Figure.09 Demo) testo
- Shifter (From The Inside Demo) testo
- Wesside testo
- Resolution testo
Meteora (20th Anniversary Edition) (2023)
- Dialate (xero Demo) testo
- Pictureboard testo
- She Couldn't testo
- Could Have Been testo
- Reading My Eyes (xero Demo) testo
- Rhinestone (xero Demo) testo
- Esaul (xero Demo) testo
- Stick N Move (demo) testo
- Carousel (demo) testo
- Points Of Authority (Hybrid Theory Anniversary Demo) testo
- Crawling (demo) testo
- Superxero (by Myself Demo) testo
Hybrid Theory (20th Anniversary Edition) (2020)
- Bruiser testo
- Space Station testo
- Lp Jam 01 testo
- Lp Jam 02 testo
- Complimentary testo
Stagelight Demos (2012)
- The Requiem testo
- The Radiance testo
- Burning In The Skies testo
- Empty Spaces testo
- When They Come For Me testo
- Robot Boy testo
- Jornada Del Muerto testo
- Waiting For The End testo
- Blackout testo
- Wretches And Kings testo
- Wisdom, Justice, And Love testo
- Iridescent testo
- Fallout testo
- The Catalyst testo
- The Messenger testo
A Thousand Suns (2010)
- Wake testo
- Given Up testo
- Leave Out All The Rest testo
- Bleed It Out testo
- Shadow Of The Day testo
- What I've Done testo
- Hands Held High testo
- No More Sorrow testo
- Valentine's Day testo
- In Between testo
- In Pieces testo
- The Little Things Give You Away testo
- No Roads Left testo
Minutes To Midnight (2007)
- Pts.Of.Athrty testo
- Enth E Nd testo
- Chali testo
- Frgt/10 testo
- P5hng Me A*wy testo
- Plc.4 Mie Haed testo
- X-Ecutioner Style testo
- H! Vltg3 testo
- Riff Raff testo
- Wth>You testo
- PPr:Kut testo
- Rnw@y testo
- My{Dsmbr testo
- Stef testo
- By_Myslf testo
- Kyur4 Th Ich testo
- 1stp Klosr testo
- Krwlng testo
Reanimation (2002)
- One Step Closer testo
- My December testo
- High Voltage (Remix) testo
One Step Closer (2001)
- And One testo
- Step Up testo
- Part Of Me testo
- High Voltage testo
- Carousel testo
Hybrid Theory (EP) (1999)
- 100 Degrees testo
- 1stp Klosr - The Humble Brothers Featuring John Davis testo
- 99 Problems / One Step Closer testo
- A Little Extra Letra testo
- Across The Line testo
- Across The Line/ Ãœber Die Linie testo
- Afraid This Time testo
- All Of Me testo
- Anymore testo
- Anything testo
- Asbestos testo
- B12 testo
- Back testo
- Be Somebody testo
- Behind Your Lies testo
- Big Pimpin' / Papercut (feat. Jay-Z) testo
- Blackbird testo
- Blackbirds testo
- Body Crumbles testo
- Breathe Me testo
- Bring testo
- Broken Glass testo
- Burn It Down testo
- Burn It Down (Ãœbersetzung) testo
- By_Myslf - Josh Abraham And Mike Shinoda testo
- Carousel (Demo) testo
- Carousel Traduction testo
- Center Of The Earth testo
- Collapsing The Unit testo
- Crawling (Demo) testo
- Crawling In My Skin testo
- Creep testo
- Cry Over Me testo
- Cure For The Ich testo
- Curtain Call testo
- Darker Than Blood testo
- Dead & Bloated testo
- Debris testo
- Dedicated testo
- Devil's Drop testo
- Dirt Off Your Shoulder / Lying From You (feat. Jay-Z) testo
- Dolla testo
- Don't Stay testo
- Don’t Look For Brings testo
- Drag testo
- Dust In The Wind testo
- Dust In The Wind (Acustic Guitar) testo
- Enjoy The Silence testo
- Enth E Nd - Kutmasta Kurt Featuring Motion Man testo
- Esaul testo
- Esaul (A Place For My Head) testo
- Foreword testo
- Freestyle testo
- Fresh-N-So-Clean testo
- Frgt 10 testo
- Frgt/10 - Alchemist Featuring Chali 2na testo
- Friendly Fire testo
- Fuse testo
- Girl Better testo
- Given Up [Third Encore Session] testo
- Giving In testo
- Grey Daze No Sun Today testo
- H! Vltg3 - Evidence Featuring Pharoahe Monch And DJ Babu testo
- Headstrong testo
- Heard Strong testo
- Heavens 'n' Hotrods testo
- Here, Nearby testo
- Heroin Song testo
- Hold Nothing Back testo
- Holding You testo
- Hole testo
- Home Sweet Home testo
- Hybrid Theory testo
- I Have Not Begun testo
- I Just Want You Company testo
- I Wanna Be Sedated testo
- I'll be gone testo
- I'm About To Break testo
- I'm Goin To testo
- In Pieces 2 testo
- In The End (demo) testo
- Irisdescent testo
- It's Going Dawn testo
- It's Going Down testo
- Izzo / In The End (feat. Jay-Z) testo
- Jane Says testo
- Jane Says (Jane's Addiction Cover) testo
- January testo
- Jellyfish testo
- Jigga What / Faint (feat. Jay-Z) testo
- Karma Killer testo
- Krwlng - Mike Shinoda Featuring Aaron Lewis testo
- Kyur4 Th Ich - Chairman Hahn testo
- Last Line testo
- Let Down testo
- Lies Greed Misery Ãœbersetzung testo
- Losing Grip testo
- Love U! testo
- Meteora testo
- Mike's Freestyle Of Dedicated testo
- Minerva testo
- Money For Drugz testo
- Morei Sky testo
- Morning After testo
- Morning After (Julien K. Remix) testo
- My Car testo
- My Own Summer testo
- My Reason testo
- Nero testo
- Never Gonna Happen testo
- New Divide testo
- New Divide testo
- No Control/Don't Remember (Feat. Limp Bizkit) testo
- Not Alone testo
- Now I See testo
- Now I See (With You Demo) testo
- Ntr/Mssion testo
- Numb (Ãœbersetzung) testo
- Numb / Encore (feat. Jay-Z) testo
- Numb 2 testo
- One Night testo
- One Step Closer (100 Gecs Reanimation) testo
- One Step Closer (Live In Texas) testo
- Only One testo
- Open Your Eyes testo
- Out For Fame testo
- P5hng Me A*wy - Mike Shinoda Featuring Stephen Richards testo
- Pain Is Hate testo
- Part Of Me (Demo) testo
- Piercing The Skin testo
- Place For My Head testo
- Plc. 4 Mie HÆd - Amp Live Featuring Zion testo
- Plc. 4 Mie HÆd - Amp Live featuring Zion testo
- Plc.4 Mie Haed (Amp Live Ft. Zion) testo
- Plc.4 Mie Hæd testo
- Poem testo
- Points Of Authority (Demo 1) testo
- Points Of Authority (Demo 2) testo
- Points Of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer (feat. Jay-Z) testo
- Points Of Authority/99 Problems/One Step Closer (feat. Jay Gordon) testo
- Ppr:Kut - Cheapshot And Jubacca Featuring Rasco And Planet Asia testo
- Pretend To Be testo
- Pushing Me Away ( Reanimation ) testo
- Pushing Me Away (Hybrid Theory) testo
- Pushing Me Away (Live In Sendai) testo
- Qwerty testo
- QWERTY(Studio) testo
- Read My Eyes testo
- Reading My Eyes testo
- Rhinestone testo
- Rhinestone(Re-make) testo
- Riff-Raff testo
- Rnw@y - Backyard Bangers Featuring Phoenix Orion testo
- Rock Roll Could Never Hip Hop Like This testo
- Roling In The Deep testo
- Run Away testo
- Saturation testo
- Scars Of Life testo
- Secret testo
- Session testo
- Shadie Fan testo
- She Shines testo
- Shouting Out testo
- Sickness testo
- Sleep Slim testo
- Sold My Soul To Yo Mama testo
- Something I Can Never Have testo
- Somewhere It's Ok testo
- Soul Song testo
- Spin testo
- Standing In The Middle testo
- Standing In The Middle Letra testo
- Start To Fly testo
- Starting To Fly testo
- State Of The Art testo
- Stick 'n Move testo
- Stick N' Move testo
- Stinkfinger testo
- Super Xero (By Myself Demo) testo
- Super Xero (By Myself) testo
- System testo
- Technique testo
- Thanx Aus MeTeora testo
- The Down Syndrom testo
- The Rain testo
- The Wizard Song testo
- Tupac & Biggie Tribute testo
- Tupac & Biggie Tribute testo
- Tupac And Biggie Tribute testo
- Valentine´s Day testo
- Valentine´s Day testo
- Wait And Bleed testo
- Walking Dead testo
- We Made It testo
- What I´ve Done testo
- What I've Done testo
- What We Don't Know testo
- Whin You testo
- Whiskey In The Jar testo
- White Noise testo
- Who Do You Think You Are (numb Rückwärts Abgespielt) testo
- Who do you think you are (numb rückwärts abgespielt) testo
- Wish testo
- Wish (NIN Cover) testo
- Wonderful testo
- Wrath Of Me testo
- Wth>You - Chairman Hahn Feat. Aceyalone testo
- Wth>You - Chairman Hahn feat. Aceyalone testo
- X Ecutioner Style testo
- X-Ecutioner Style - Featuring Black Thought testo
- [Stef] testo