Testi canzoni Levi Weaver
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Dear Friend testo
- Of Bridges Burned testo
- Family Feud testo
- You Are Home testo
- Sick, Or Determined? testo
- Which Drink? testo
- Idioteque testo
- Would We Liars Be? testo
- Kansas, I Decline (stars) testo
- Last Camden Stand testo
- An Epistle For Sal testo
- Let's Talk Dissent testo
You Are Never Close To Home, You Are Never Far From Home (2008)
- Good Medicine testo
- Dead Best Friends testo
- Kid, Way To Go testo
- Road Map Eyes testo
- Am I Trying? testo
- Del Cielo testo
Civil War Between My Heart And Mind (2006)
- Which Drink testo