Testi canzoni Justin Rutledge
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Robin's Tune testo
- I'm Your Man, You're My Radio testo
- Does It Make You Rain? testo
- Come Summertime testo
- Backseat Honeymoon / Blue Is What I Do testo
- The Suffering Of Pepe O'Malley, Pt. IV testo
- Emily Returns testo
- I Am With Her Where The Avalanche Begins testo
- This Is War testo
- I'm Gonna Die (One Sunny Day) testo
The Devil On a Bench In Stanley Park (2006)
- Too Sober To Sleep testo
- A Letter To Heather testo
- 1855 testo
- Lay Me Down Sweet Jesus testo
- Sleeveless In Vancouver testo
- Year Of Jubilo testo
- Federal Mail testo
- Special testo
- The Suffering Of Pepe O'Malley (Pt. III) testo
- The Blackest Crow testo
- On The Quiet Riviera testo
- Lord Help Me To Be Young testo
- Seven Roses Deep testo
No Never Alone (2004)
- 1855 testo
- A Letter to Heather testo
- A Penny for the Band testo
- Alberta Breeze testo
- Everyone's In Love testo
- Federal Mail testo
- Greenwich Time testo
- Lay Me Down Sweet Jesus testo
- Sleeveless in Vancouver testo
- Special testo
- The Blackest Crow testo
- The Suffering of Pepe O'Malley (Pt. III) testo
- The Wire testo
- Too Sober to Sleep testo