Testi canzoni Jennifer Kimball
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- (This Is) My New Vow testo
- All The Same To Me testo
- All The Time In The World testo
- An Ordinary Soldier testo
- April testo
- Ballad #61 testo
- Be My Baby testo
- Can't Climb Up testo
- Chained To A Memory testo
- Coal Machine testo
- Cruel Sea testo
- Don't Take Your Love Away testo
- East Of Indiana testo
- Eternal Father testo
- Fall At Your Feet testo
- Funeral In My Brain testo
- Gagna's Song testo
- Icarus testo
- Is He Or Isn't He? testo
- It's A Long Way Home testo
- Kissing In The Car testo
- Knock Me Down testo
- Last Ride Home testo
- Lightning Bugs testo
- Little Live Things testo
- Lost Woman testo
- Lullabye testo
- Meet Me In The Twilight testo
- Take One Step testo
- The Revelations testo
- The Wheel testo
- Time To Go Home testo
- Veering From The Wave testo
- What Matters testo
- When I Was Lost testo
- World Without End testo
- Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams testo
- Your Mouth testo