Testi canzoni Jake Coco
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Loved By You testo
- Ten Million Thoughts testo
- Take It Easy testo
- Minor Complications testo
- Life Is Beautiful testo
- 24 On The Floor testo
- Soldiers Kiss Your Mothers testo
- Song For Someone testo
- Baby Unicorn testo
- Arabella testo
- Realize testo
- Sandcastles In The Rain testo
- Friends And Lovers testo
- Take Me Away testo
Pretty Fine Dream (2013)
- Angels testo
- Artist testo
- Best Love Song That I Ever Wrote testo
- Bleu For You testo
- Broken Hearts And Fairytales testo
- Daddy's Eyes testo
- Give U The Moon testo
- Graceland testo
- I'd Give You The Moon testo
- If I Were An Artist testo
- Old T-Shirt testo
- Perfectly Imperfect testo
- Saturdays testo
- You're A Star testo