Testi canzoni Ian Dury
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- You're My Inspiration testo
- Friends testo
- Tell Your Daddy testo
- Peter The Painter testo
- Ban The Bomb testo
- Percy The Poet testo
- Very Personal testo
- Take Me To The Cleaners testo
- The Man With No Face testo
- Really Glad You Came testo
- The Sky's The Limit testo
- You're My Inspiration (Long Version) testo
- Peter The Painter (Long Version) testo
- I Weighed Myself Up testo
- I Weighed Myself Up (Trident 1 March 1983 - Long Version) testo
- Percy The Poet testo
4,000 Weeks Holiday (2013)
- Billericay Dickie testo
- Blackmail Man testo
- Blockheads testo
- Clevor Trever testo
- Common As Muck testo
- D'Orine The Cow testo
- Fucking Ada testo
- Have A Word testo
- Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick testo
- I Want To Be Straight testo
- I'm Partial To Your Abracadabra testo
- If I Was With A Woman testo
- Inbetweenies testo
- London Talking testo
- My Old Man testo
- Plaistow Patricia testo
- Poor Joey testo
- Quick Quick Slow testo
- Quiet testo
- Razzle In My Pocket testo
- Reasons To Be Cheerful testo
- Sex And Drugs And Rock & Roll testo
- Sex And Drugs And Rock & Roll testo
- Spasticus Autisticus testo
- Superman's Big Sister testo
- Sweet Gene Vincent testo
- Take Your Elbow Out Of The Soup (You're Sitting On The Chicken) testo
- That's Not All testo
- The Body Song testo
- The Bus Driver's Prayer testo
- There Ain't Half Been Some Clever Bastards testo
- Wake Up And Make Love With Me testo
- What A Waste! testo
- You'll See Glimpses testo
- You're More Than Fair testo