Testi canzoni Glaive
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 17250
- 1984
- 2005 Barbie Doll
- 2009
- 60.000 ISK
- All Dogs Go To Heaven
- All I Do Is Try My Best
- Arsenic
- As If
- astrid
- Bastard
- By Birthright
- Cloak N Dagger
- Clover
- Count It Up
- Detest Me
- even when the sun is dead, will you tell them how hard i tried
- Everydog Has Its Day
- Eyesore
- For God And Country
- Freudian
- Fuck It
- Fuck This Town
- God Is Dead
- Grapes
- Handle Me
- Heather
- Hey hi Hyd
- Hope Alaska National Anthem
- Huh
- I Care So Much That I Dont Care At All
- I Don't Really Feel It Anymore
- I Hate 2 See U Cry
- I Wanna Slam My Head Against The Wall
- Ik
- Im Nothing Thats All I Am
- Ive Made Worse Mistakes
- Joel
- Knock, Draw, Release
- Live & Direct
- Living Proof (That It Hurts)
- Mental Anguish
- Minnesota Is A Place That Exists
- Naturale
- Nobodys Fault / Accept My Own
- oh are you bipolar one or two?
- Pardee Urgent Care
- Phobie D'impulsion
- Physs
- Pissed
- Poison
- Pretending
- quicksand
- slam My Head Against The Wall
- Stephanie
- Synopsis
- The Car
- The Good The Bad The Olga
- The Prom
- Tiziana
- Touché