Testi canzoni Gaslight Anthem, The
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- "45"
- 1930
- American Slang
- Angry Johnny And The Radio
- Antonia Jane (Lightning Dust cover)
- Baba O'Riley (The Who cover)
- Biloxi Parish
- Blue Dahlia
- Blue Jeans & White T-Shirts
- Blue Jeans and White T-Shirts
- Boomboxes And Dictionaries
- Boxer
- Bring It On
- Casanova, Baby!
- Changing of the Guards (Bob Dylan cover)
- Desire
- Drive
- Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
- Film Noir
- God's Gonna Cut You Down (Johnny Cash cover)
- Great Expectations
- Halloween
- Handwritten
- Here Comes My Man
- Here's Looking At You, Kid
- High Lonesome
- Hold You Up
- Howl
- I Coulda Been A Contender
- I'da Called You Woody, Joe
- Keepsake
- Mae
- Meet Me By The River's Edge
- Miles And The Cool
- Miles Davis and the Cool
- Misery
- Mulholland Drive
- National Anthem
- Old Haunts
- Old White Lincoln
- Once Upon A Time
- Once Upon a Time (Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise cover)
- Orpans
- Orphans
- Our Father's Sons
- Red At Night
- Red In The Morning
- Refugee (Tom Petty cover)
- Say I Won't (Recognize)
- Señor And The Queen
- She Loves You
- Sliver (Nirvana cover)
- State of Love and Trust (Pearl Jam cover)
- Stay Lucky
- Teenage Rebellion
- The '59 Sound
- The Backseat
- The Blues, Mary
- The Diamond Church Street Choir
- The House of the Rising Sun (The Animals cover)
- The Navesink Banks
- The Patient Ferris Wheel
- The Queen of Lower Chelsea
- The Spirit of Jazz
- Too Much Blood
- Tumbling Dice (Rolling Stones cover)
- We Came To Dance
- We Did It When We Were Young
- We're Getting a Divorce, You Keep the Diner
- We're Getting A Divorce, You Keep The Dinner
- Wherefore Art Thou, Elvis?
- Wooderson