Testi canzoni Funkadelic
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- (Not Just) Knee Deep testo
- A Joyful Process testo
- Adolescent Funk testo
- Alice In My Fantasies testo
- All Your Goodies Are Gone testo
- Aqua Boogie (A Psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop) testo
- Atmosphere testo
- Atomic Dog testo
- Baby I Owe You Something Good testo
- Back In Our Minds testo
- Be My Beach testo
- Better By The Pound testo
- Biological Speculation testo
- Bop Gun (Endangered Species) testo
- Brettino's Bounce testo
- Butt-To-Butt Recuscitation testo
- Can You Get To That testo
- Children of Productions testo
- Cholly (Funk Gettin' Ready To Roll) testo
- Comin' Round The Mountain testo
- Cosmic Slop testo
- Do That Stuff testo
- Dr. Funkenstein testo
- Eulogy And Light testo
- Every Little Bit Hurts testo
- Field Maneuvers testo
- Foot Soldiers (Star Spangled Funky) testo
- Freak Of The Week testo
- Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow testo
- Friday Night, August 14th testo
- Funk Gets Stronger (Killer Millimeter Longer Version) testo
- Funkentelechy testo
- Funky Dollar Bill testo
- Get Off Your Ass And Jam testo
- Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker) testo
- Good Old Music testo
- Good Thoughts, Bad Thoughts testo
- Good Thoughts, Bad Thouts testo
- Good To Your Earhole testo
- Groovallegiance testo
- Hardcore Jollies testo
- Hit It And Quit It testo
- Holly Wants To Go To California testo
- I Bet You testo
- I Got A Thing, You Got A Thing, Everybody's Got A Thing testo
- I Wanna Know If It's Good To You testo
- I'll Bet You testo
- I'll Stay testo
- I'm Never Gonna Tell It testo
- If You Got Funk, You Got Style testo
- Into You testo
- Jimmy's Got A Little Bit Of Bitch In Him testo
- Let's Take It To The People testo
- Let's Take It To The Stage testo
- Loose Booty testo
- Maggot Brain testo
- March to the Witch's Castle testo
- Mommy, What's A Funkadelic? testo
- Music For My Mother testo
- No Head No Backstage Pass testo
- Not Just Knee Deep testo
- Oh, I testo
- One Nation Under A Groove testo
- Open Our Eyes testo
- P-funk testo
- Promentalshitbackwashpsychosis Enema Squad (The DooDoo Chasers) testo
- Qualify & Satisfy testo
- Red Hot Mama testo
- Sexy Ways testo
- Smokey testo
- Some More testo
- Soul Mate testo
- Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On testo
- Stuffs And Things testo
- Super Stupid testo
- Take Your Dead Ass Home testo
- Tales Of Kidd Funkadelic testo
- The Song Is Familiar testo
- Uncle Jam testo
- Undisco Kidd testo
- Wake Up testo
- Wars Of Armageddon testo
- We Hurt Too testo
- What Is Soul testo
- Who Says A Funk Band Can't Play Rock? testo
- You And Your Folks, Me And My Folks testo
- You Scared The Lovin' Outta Me testo