Testi canzoni Frosttide
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Apache
- Awakening
- Blood Oath
- Carved Into Ice
- Carved Into Ice - Instrumental
- Cheri Cheri Lady
- Dawn Of Despair
- Fate Redefined
- Final Hour
- Final Hour - Instrumental
- Foreshadow
- Gates Of The Asylum
- New Reign
- No Turning Back
- Ocean's Peace
- Ocean's Peace - Instrumental
- One Night In Bangkok
- Prologue
- Quest For Glory
- Revenant
- Revenant - Instrumental
- Ruins Of Defeat
- Siege
- Traitor Within
- Tranquillity
- Tranquillity - Instrumental
- Unwritten (Engraved In The Stars)
- Winds Of Winter's Call
- Winter's Call