Testi canzoni From Aphony
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- A Subtle Disconnection
- And How You Change My Moods Like The Keys Of The Machine
- Before The Breaking Of The World
- Better Left Unrecognized
- Builders Wreckers Lovers And Takers
- Conversation Blackout
- Dreamers Often Lie
- Far From Over
- Fate Loves The Fearless
- Go For It Falcor
- If I Had The Medium...
- Interlude
- Intro
- Love By Way Of Hollywood
- Result Of A Murder
- She Runs On Alchohol
- Strange Faces Seem Familiar
- Survive
- Switchblade Part I
- Switchblade Part Ii
- This Is Your Emergency