Testi canzoni Frogs, The
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Boys Will Be Boys testo
- G-A-Y testo
- Man, Man, Man testo
- Blue Is For Boys testo
- Sick Of Aids testo
- The Day I Got Aids testo
- That's What She Said testo
- Jimi Hendrix Was A Virgin testo
- Pull A Kurt testo
- If U Hate Me, Love Me testo
- Familiar testo
- Bring Yer Love 2 Me testo
- My Wig Is Crazy testo
- Anorexic, Flapjacks & Bolts testo
Squirrel Bunny Jupiter (2012)
- (Thank God I Died In) The Car Crash testo
- Baby Greaser George testo
- Banjo Bonnie testo
- Candyland Joe testo
- Children Run Away (the Man With The Candy) testo
- Dreambox testo
- God Is Gay testo
- Grandma Sitting In The Corner With A Penis In Her Hand Going "No, No, No, No, No" testo
- Gwendyln Macrae testo
- Homos testo
- I Love U (You Know I Don't) testo
- I Only Play 4 Money testo
- I'm Evil Jack testo
- I'm Hungry testo
- I'm Sad The Goat Just Died Today testo
- I've Got Drugs (Out Of The Mist) testo
- Is It Right To Kiss The Boys (When You're A Girl And Not A Boy?) testo
- Layin' Down My Love 4 U testo
- Lifeguard Of Love testo
- Lord Grunge testo
- Put Your Finger In The Dike, Stop The Leak testo
- Raped testo
- Rearviewmirror testo
- Reelin' And Rockin' # 1 testo
- Revolution testo
- Starboy testo
- Stargirl testo
- The Boys With The Boys testo
- Weird On The Avenue testo
- Where's Jerry Lewis? testo
- Which One Of You Gave My Daughter The Dope testo