Testi canzoni Franz Ferdinand
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Darts Of Pleasure testo
- Take Me Out testo
- The Dark Of The Matinée testo
- Michael testo
- This Fire testo
- Do You Want To testo
- Walk Away testo
- The Fallen testo
- Outsiders testo
- Lucid Dreams testo
- Ulysses testo
- No You Girls testo
- Right Action testo
- Evil Eye testo
- Love Illumination testo
- Stand On The Horizon testo
- Always Ascending testo
- Glimpse Of Love testo
- Curious testo
- Billy Goodbye testo
Hits To The Head (2022)
- Right Action testo
- Evil Eye testo
- Love Illumination testo
- Stand On The Horizon testo
- Fresh Strawberries testo
- Bullet testo
- Treason! Animals. testo
- The Universe Expanded testo
- Brief Encounters testo
- Goodbye Lovers & Friends testo
Right Thoughts, Right Words, Right Action (2013)
- The Fallen testo
- Do You Want To? testo
- This Boy testo
- Walk Away testo
- Evil And A Heathen testo
- You're The Reason I'm Leaving testo
- Eleanor, Put Your Boots Back On testo
- Well, That Was Easy testo
- What You Meant testo
- I'm Your Villain testo
- You Could Have It So Much Better testo
- Fade Together testo
- The Outsiders testo
You Could Have It So Much Better... (2005)
- 40 Feet testo
- All For You Sophia testo
- Auf Acshe testo
- Bang Bang testo
- Better On Holiday testo
- Brief Encounters testo
- Can´t Stop Feeling testo
- Can't Stop Feeling testo
- Can´t stop feeling testo
- ComeOnHome testo
- Dark Of The Matinee testo
- Do You Want To testo
- Don't Start testo
- Eleanor Put Your Boots On testo
- Erdbeer Mund testo
- Evil testo
- Fabulously Lazy testo
- Fallen testo
- Fresh Strawberries testo
- Get Away testo
- Get Up And Use Me testo
- Jacky Jackson testo
- Jaqueline testo
- Jung testo
- Lindsey Wells testo
- Love & Destroy testo
- Love And Destroy testo
- Matinee testo
- Missing You testo
- No You Girls testo
- Outsiders testo
- Piss Off testo
- Right Thoughts testo
- Send Hime Away testo
- Sexy Boy testo
- Shopping For Blood testo
- Swallow, Smile testo
- The Dark Of The Matinée testo
- The Eyes Of Mars testo
- The Lobster Quadrille testo
- This Fffire - New Version testo
- Trees And Animals testo
- Van Tango testo
- Well That Was Easy testo
- Wine In The Afternoon testo
- Words So Leisurded testo
- Words So Leisured testo
- Your Diary testo