Testi canzoni Frankie Cosmos
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 41st
- A Hit
- A Joke
- A Work Call
- Abigail
- Accommodate
- Actin' Weird
- Aftershook
- Apathy
- As Often As I Can
- Ballad Of R & J
- Being Alive
- Bus Bus Train Train
- Cafeteria
- Caramelize
- Cosmic Shop
- Did You Find
- Duet
- Empty Head
- Even Though I Knew
- F.O.O.F.
- Fragments
- Fruit Stand
- Heed The Call
- Hereby
- I'm Fried
- I'm It
- Jesse
- Last Season's Textures
- Magnetic Personality
- Marbles
- Moonsea
- My Phone
- Never Would
- One Year Stand
- Prolonging Babyhood
- Rings (On A Tree)
- Same Thing
- Self-Destruct
- Sky Magnet
- So Blue
- Spare The Guitar
- Street View
- The End
- This Stuff
- This Swirling
- Trunk Of A Tree
- Ufo
- Ur Up
- Vessel
- Wannago
- Wayne
- Windows
- With Great Purpose