Testi canzoni Five Fingers Of Funk
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- The Audience Is Not Listening testo
- The Mindstraits testo
- Do You Know How Many Five Is? testo
- Whatchyassworth? testo
- Rise testo
- D. J. Chill Lost In Phone Land I testo
- Pass The Vibe testo
- Look At Where You At testo
- Portland Poetry Reading testo
- Posters testo
- Comin' Out The Cellar testo
- Chill's Advisory testo
- Whose Loadin'? testo
- Funky 97 testo
- Autumn Blue testo
- D. J. Chill In Phone Land Ii testo
- You Jane, Me Funky testo
- Falcon Freestyle testo
Slap Me Five (1995)
- The Mindstraights testo
- Whatchayassworth testo