Testi canzoni Fischer-Z
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- A.I.Owns.U.
- Acrobats
- Bathroom Scenario
- Battalions Of Strangers
- Berlin
- Big Orange Sun
- Big Wide World
- Blue Anemone
- Brian
- Cardboard Street
- Choose
- Cruise Missiles
- Cuban Rain Falling
- Dystopia's Here
- Films With Happy Endings
- Half Naked Girl In The Windowsill
- Headlines
- Human Beings
- In England
- Killing Time
- Lemmings
- Lies
- Love Train Drama
- Luton To Lisbon
- Luton To Lisbon/Multinationals Bite
- Marliese
- Masquerade
- Multi Nationals Bite
- Narcissus Took Me Down
- Nice to Know
- No Bohemia
- Oh Compassion
- Oh Mother
- Pretty Paracetamol
- Prime
- Red Skies Over Paradise ( A Brighton Dream )
- Red Skies Over Paradise (A Brighton Dream)
- Remember Russia
- Right Now
- Romance Can Last Forever
- Same Boat
- So Long
- Song And Dance Brigade
- Spiders
- Stamp It Out
- Stars
- Stolen
- Swimming In Thunderstorms
- The Heaven Injection
- The Islamic American
- The Perfect Day
- The Selfish Mirror
- The Worker
- The Writer
- Til The Oceans Overflow
- Wary
- Waterside
- Wax Dolls
- Worker
- Wristcutter's Lullaby
- Wristcutters Lullaby
- You'll Never Find Brian Here