Testi canzoni Feist
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- In Lightning testo
- Forever Before testo
- Love Who We Are Meant To testo
- Hiding Out In The Open testo
- The Redwing testo
- I Took All Of My Rings Off testo
- Of Womankind testo
- Become The Earth testo
- Borrow Trouble testo
- Martyr Moves testo
- Calling All The Gods testo
- Song For Sad Friends testo
Multitudes (2023)
- The Bad In Each Other testo
- Graveyard testo
- Caught A Long Wind testo
- How Come You Never Go There testo
- A Commotion testo
- The Circle Married The Line testo
- Bittersweet Melodies testo
- Anti-pioneer testo
- Undiscovered First testo
- Cicadas And Gulls testo
- Comfort Me testo
- Get It Wrong, Get It Right testo
- Pine Moon testo
Metals (2011)
- 1 2 3 4 testo
- 1234 2 testo
- Fire In The Water testo
- Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye testo
- Intuition testo
- Intuition (live) testo
- Know How testo
- Know-How (with Kings Of Convenience) testo
- L'amour Ne Dure Pas Toujours testo
- La Chanson De Satie testo
- Limit To Your Love testo
- Lover's Spit testo
- That's What I Say, It's Not What I Mean testo
- The Build Up testo
- The Build-Up (with Kings Of Convenience) testo
- The Simple Story testo