Testi canzoni Emm Gryner
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 89 Days Of Alcatraz
- A Little War
- Acid
- Atlas
- Away
- Beautiful Things
- Big Day
- Boy Races
- Braving December
- Breathless
- Christopher
- Closure
- Daryn Song
- Days Of Alcatraz
- Death Is A New Day
- Deckchairs And Cigarettes
- Disco Lights
- Divine Like You
- Doomsday
- East Coast Angel
- Edgar
- Fetching Decay
- Free
- Gingerbread
- Good Riddance
- Green Goodnight
- Half Sorry
- Headline Girl
- Hello Aquarius
- Hook Machine
- Ice Boy
- Idaho
- Joan
- Julia
- July
- Let It Snow
- Lonely Boy
- Lonestar
- Mary Jill
- Moorlough Shore
- Northern Holiday
- Parting Song
- Phonecall 45
- Revenge
- Serenade
- Siamese Star
- Southern Dreamer
- Stardeep
- Stereochrome
- Suffer
- Summerlong
- Symphonic
- The End
- The Good You Make
- This Mad
- Wisdom Bus
- Yellow
- You Do Something To Me
- Young Rebel
- Your Sort Of Human Being