Testi canzoni Emily Jane White
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Baby
- Bessie Smith
- Black Silk
- Blue
- Broken Words
- Clipped Wings
- Dagger
- Dandelion Daze
- Dark Undercoat
- Dew
- Drowned
- Entity
- Faster Than The Devil
- Ghost of a Horse
- Hole In The Middle
- Holiday Song
- I Lay To Rest (california)
- Infernal
- Keeley
- Light
- Metamorphosis
- My Beloved
- never dead
- Oh Katherine
- Requiem Waltz
- Shroud
- Sleeping Dead
- Surrender
- The Black Oak
- The Cliff
- The Demon
- The Gates At The End
- The Law
- The Ledge
- The Preacher
- The Roses
- The Wolves
- Thoroughbred
- Time On Your Side
- Two Shots to the Head
- Wake
- Washed Away
- Wild Tigers I Have Known