Testi canzoni Emily Barker
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- A Spadeful Of Ground
- All Love Knows
- Any More Goodbyes
- Bloated, Blistered, Aching Heart
- Breath
- Bright Phoebus
- Dear River
- Disappear
- Everywhen
- Geography
- Ghost Narrative
- If It's All Night Long
- In The Winter I Returned
- Letters
- Machine
- Nostalgia
- Oh Journey
- Ordinary
- Return Me
- Serendipity
- Sideline
- Sleeping Horses
- Sonogram
- Storm In A Teacup
- Strange Weather
- The Blackwood
- The Cormorant And The Heron
- The Greenway
- The Leaving
- The Woman Who Planted Trees
- Tuesday
- When Stars Cannot Be Found
- Where Have The Sparrows Gone?