Testi canzoni Duck. Little Brother, Duck!
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Billy Mays (don't Move Here, "it's A Trap!") testo
- Courtney Taylor Taylor (how Sexy Is Your Soul?) testo
- Steve Jobs (all Is Fun Until Someone Gets Stabbed) testo
- Marty Anderson (guitar Hero Material) testo
- Tre Arrow (thanks For Smoking All My Weed... You Dick.) testo
- L. Ron Hubbard (we Did One Of These At The Mall) testo
- Phillip Seymour Hoffman (it's The Wonder Of Nature Baby!) testo
- Glenn Beck (baby Blood Theft) testo
- Tony West testo
- John Steinbeck (get Off My Phone!!) testo
- Michael Jackson (no.. We're Serious) testo
- Karl Marx (a Brief Science Of History) testo
- Ted Haggard (the Future Isn't Knocking At Your Door. It's Pounding...) testo
- Dov Charney (neon Cotton Wormhole) testo
- Yasir Arafat (spidering Deep Into The Night) testo