Testi canzoni Donald Fagen
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Brite Nitegown
- Countermoon
- Florida Room
- Good Stuff
- Green Flower Street
- H Gang
- I'm Not The Same Without You
- I.G.Y.
- Mary Shut The Garden Door
- Maxine
- Memorabilia
- Miss Marlene
- Morph The Cat
- Morph The Cat (Reprise)
- New Frontier
- On The Dunes
- Out Of The Ghetto
- Planet D'rhonda
- Ruby Baby
- Security Joan
- Slinky Thing
- Snowbound
- Springtime
- Teahouse On The Tracks
- The Goodbye Look
- The Great Pagoda Of Funn
- The New Breed
- The Night Belongs To Mona
- The Nightfly
- Tomorrow's Girls
- Trans-Island Skyway
- Walk Between Raindrops
- Walk Between The Raindrops
- What I Do