Testi canzoni Devil Wears Prada, The
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Dead & Alive testo
Dead & Alive (2012)
- Escape testo
- Anatomy testo
- Outnumbered testo
- Revive testo
- Survivor testo
Zombie [EP] (2010)
- Goats On A Boat testo
- Number Three, Never Forget testo
- Html Rulez D00d testo
- Hey John, What's Your Name Again? testo
- Don't Dink And Drance testo
- You Can't Spell Crap Without 'C' testo
- This Song Is Called testo
- Reptar, King Of The Ozone testo
- The Scorpion Deathlock testo
- Nickels Is Money Too testo
Plagues (2007)
- The Ascent testo
- The Gaunlet Of Solitude testo
- Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over testo
- And The Sentence Trails Off testo
- Rosemary Had An Accident testo
- Redemption testo
- Swords, Dragons And Diet Coke testo
- Who Speaks Spanish? Colon Quesadilla testo
- Texas Is South testo
- Modeify The Pronunciation testo
- Salvation testo