Testi canzoni Devics
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Heart And Hands testo
- My Beautiful Sinking Ship testo
- You In The Glass testo
- The Man I Love testo
- You Could Walk Forever testo
- Alone With You testo
- Why I Chose To Never Grow testo
- Living Behind The Sun testo
- Forget Tomorrow testo
- Lost At Sea testo
- Gold In The Girl testo
- I Broke Up testo
- Heaven Please testo
- 5 Seconds To Hold You testo
- Blood Red Orange testo
My Beautiful Sinking Ship (2001)
- Ghost testo
- My Beautiful Sinking Ship testo
- The Man I Love testo
- Heaven Please testo
- The Smell Of Ink testo
- Opus #9 testo