Testi canzoni Chthonic
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 1947
- 49 Theurgy Chains
- Autoscopy
- Banished Into Death
- Between Silence And Death
- Bloody Gaya Fulfilled
- Bloody Waves Of Sorrow
- Blooming Blades
- Broken Jade
- Defenders Of Bu-Tik Palace
- Defenders Of Bu-Tik Palace (English Version)
- Enthrone
- Exultant Suicide
- Hearts Condemned
- Indigenous Laceration
- Intro / Arising Armament
- Kaoru
- Legacy Of The Seediq
- Limited Taiwan
- Mahakala
- Next Republic
- Oceanquake
- Progeny Of Rmdaxtasing
- Quasi Putrefaction
- Quell The Souls In Sing Ling Temple
- Rage Of My Sword
- Resurrection Pyre
- Rise Of The Shadows
- Sail Into The Sunset's Fire
- Sail Into The Sunset's Fire (Taïwan Version)
- Set Fire To The Island
- Sing Linng Temple
- Sing-Ling Temple
- Southern Cross
- Spell Of Setting Sun
- Supreme Pain For The Tyrant
- Takao
- The Aroused
- The Gods Weep
- The Island
- Undying Rearmament / Outro
- Unlimited Taiwan
- Venom In My Veins
- Where The Utux Ancestors Wait