Testi canzoni Chronic Future
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Time And Time Again testo
- World Keeps Spinning (A Chronic Future) testo
- Shellshocked testo
- Stop Pretending testo
- New York, Ny testo
- Thank You testo
- Memories In F Minor testo
- Wicked Games testo
- Static On The Radio testo
- Eyes Wide Open testo
- Apology For Non-symmetry testo
- Say Goodbye testo
Lines In My Face (2004)
- Apology For Non-symmetry testo
- Eyes Wide Open testo
- Memories In F Minor testo
- New York testo
- New York, New York testo
- New York, Ny testo
- Say Goodbye testo
- Shell Shocked testo
- Static On The Radio testo
- Stop Pretending testo
- Thank You testo
- Time And Time Again testo
- Wicked Games testo
- World Keeps Spinning testo