Testi canzoni Camisado
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Alone Together (Demo)
- Are You Still Alive?
- Becoming Bones
- Complications
- Days Gone By
- Deception Never Looked So Good
- Eyes Like The Northern Lights
- Faceless
- I Am Alive Tonight
- I'm A Dreamer, Not A Realist
- In Your Veins
- Intro
- King Of Hearts
- Let It Burn
- Lip-Biter
- Mind Of A Monster
- Minus The T (It Will Never Happen Again)
- My Taste Buds Taste Blood
- Paper Worse Than Bullets
- Pulse
- Rogue Summers Must Die
- Shoot The Messenger
- Sincerely, The Body Electric
- Singer's Sore Throat
- Stage IV
- Straitjacket
- The Disease Is Me
- The Only Horse I Ride Is A Nightmare
- This Is A Hold Up
- This Is Gonna Hurt
- Transients
- When I Find It
- You Still Haunt Me