Testi canzoni Brett Kissel
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- We Were That Song testo
- Anthem testo
- Guitars And Gasoline testo
- Nights In The Sun testo
- Between You And Me testo
- That's How The World Ends testo
- Slow Me Down testo
- Cecilia testo
- Shootin' It testo
- Damn! testo
- Drink, Cuss, Or Fish testo
- God Made Daughters testo
- Burgers And Fries testo
We Were That Song (2017)
- Started With A Song testo
- Tough People Do testo
- 3-2-1 testo
- Something You Just Don't Forget testo
- Raise Your Glass testo
- Country In My Blood testo
- My Cowgirl testo
- Girl In A Cowboy Hat testo
- Canadian Kid testo
- Together (Grandma & Grandpa's Song) testo
- She Knows What She Likes testo
- The Man I Am testo
- Long Hot Summer testo