- 1, 2, 3, 4 Guitars
- Ambulance Vs. Ambulance
- American Vultures
- Beautiful Horses
- Birth Skin/Death Leather
- Burn Piano Island, Burn
- Burn, Piano Island, Burn
- Camouflage, Camouflage
- Cecilia And The Silhouette Saloon
- Celebrator
- Crimes
- Devastator
- Doctor! Doctor!
- Every Breath Is A Bomb
- Feed Me To The Forest
- Fuckings Greatest Hits
- Giant Swan
- God Bless You Blood Thirsty Zeppelins
- God Bless You, Blood Thirsty Zeppelins
- Guitarmy
- Huge Gold AK-47
- I Know Where The Canaries And Crows Go
- James Brown
- Jennifer
- Johnny Ripper
- Jordan Billie Pets The Wild Horse's Mane
- Jordan Blilie Pets The Wild Horse's Mane
- Junkyard J Vs. The Skin Army Girlz/High Fives, LA Hives
- Kiss Of The Octopus
- Ladies and Gentlemen
- Laser Life
- Lift The Veil, Kiss The Tank
- Live At The Apocalypse Cabaret
- Love Rhymes With Hideous Car Wreck
- March On Electric Children!
- Marooned On Piano Island
- Meet Me At The Water Front After The Social
- Meet Me at the Waterfront After the Social
- Metronomes
- Mr. Electric Ocean
- Mutiny On The Arc Of The Blood Brothers
- Mutiny on the Ark of the Blood Brothers
- My First Kiss At The Public Execution
- Nausea Shreds Yr Head
- New York Slave
- Peacock Skeleton With Crooked Feathers
- Pink Tarantulas
- Rat Rider
- Rats And Rats And Rats For Candy
- Rescue
- Set Fire To The Face On Fire
- Siamese Gun
- Six Nightmares At The Pinball Masquerade
- Spit Shine Your Black Clouds
- Street Wars/Exotic Foxholes
- Teen Heat
- The Face In The Embryo
- The Salesman, Denver Max
- The Shame
- This Adultery Is Ripe
- Time For Tenderness
- Trash Flavored Trash
- Under Pressure (Queen And David Bowie Cover)
- USA Nails
- Vital Beach
- We Ride Skeletal Lightning
- Wolf Party
- You're The Dream Unicorn!
- You're the Dream, Unicorn!