Testi canzoni Bill Monroe
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- A Fallen Star testo
- A Beautiful Life testo
- A Fallen Star testo
- A Good Woman's Love testo
- A Voice From On High testo
- Along About Daybreak testo
- Along About Daybreak [Take 2] testo
- Along About Daybreak [Take BD] testo
- Are You Lost in Sin? testo
- Ashland Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Back Up and Push [Instrumental] testo
- Baker's Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Banks of the Ohio testo
- Beautiful Life testo
- Big River testo
- Big Sandy River [Instrumental] testo
- Bill's Dream [Instrumental] testo
- Blue Goose [Instrumental] testo
- Blue Grass Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Blue Grass Special [Instrumental] testo
- Blue Grass Special [Take 2][Instrumental] testo
- Blue Grass Stomp [Take 3][Instrumental] testo
- Blue Moon Of Kentucky testo
- Blue Night testo
- Blue Ridge Mountain Blues testo
- Bluegrass Breakdown testo
- Bluegrass Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Bluegrass Breakdown [Live][Instrumental] testo
- Bluegrass Breakdown [Take 2][Instrumental] testo
- Bluegrass Breakdown [Take 3] testo
- Bluegrass Ramble [Instrumental] testo
- Bluegrass, Pt. 1 (Bluegrass Twist) [Instrumental] testo
- Body and Soul testo
- Bonny testo
- Boston Boy [Instrumental] testo
- Brand New Shoes testo
- Brown County Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Bugle Call Rag [Instrumental] testo
- Candy Gal [Instrumental] testo
- Careless Love testo
- Changing Partners testo
- Cheap Love Affair testo
- Cheyenne [Instrumental] testo
- Christmas Time's a Coming testo
- Close By testo
- Come Go with Me testo
- Cotton Fields testo
- Cripple Creek testo
- Cripple Creek [Instrumental] testo
- Crossing the Cumberlands [Instrumental] testo
- Cry, Cry Darling testo
- Cryin' Holy Unto My Lord testo
- Cryin' Holy Unto the Lord testo
- Crying Holy Unto My Lord testo
- Dancin' in Brancin' [Instrumental] testo
- Danny Boy testo
- Dark as the Night, Blue as the Day testo
- Devil's Dream [Instrumental] testo
- Dog House Blues testo
- Down Yonder [Instrumental] testo
- Drifting Too Far from the Shore testo
- Dusty Miller [Instrumental] testo
- East Tennessee Blues testo
- Evening Prayer Blues [Instrumental] testo
- Fair Play [Instrumental] testo
- Fallen Star testo
- Farther Along testo
- Fire On The Mountain testo
- Flowers of Love testo
- Foggy Mountain Top testo
- Foggy River testo
- Footprints in the Snow testo
- Footprints in the Snow [Live] testo
- Footprints in the Snow [Take 2] testo
- Four Walls testo
- Get Down On Your Knees And Pray testo
- Get Up John testo
- Get Up John [Instrumental] testo
- Go Hither to Go Yonder [Instrumental] testo
- Going Home testo
- Gotta Travel On testo
- Grey Eagle [Instrumental] testo
- Happy on My Way testo
- Harbor of Love testo
- Have A Feast Here Tonight (Rabbit In A Log) testo
- Heel and Toe Polka [Instrumental] testo
- Highway of Sorrow testo
- Honky Tonk Swing [Instrumental] testo
- House of Gold testo
- I Am a Pilgrim testo
- I Hear a Sweet Voice Calling testo
- I Live in the Past testo
- I Saw The Light testo
- I Still Miss Someone testo
- I Was Left on the Street testo
- I Wonder If You Feel the Way I Do testo
- I Wonder Where You Are Tonight testo
- I'm Blue, I'm Lonesome testo
- I'm Going Back to Old Kentucky testo
- I'm On My Way Back To The Old Home testo
- I'm Sitting on Top of the World testo
- I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry testo
- In The Pines testo
- It Makes No Difference Now testo
- It's Mighty Dark to Travel testo
- Jekyll Island [Instrumental] testo
- Jenny Lynn [Instrumental] testo
- Jerusalem Ridge [Instrumental] testo
- John Hardy [Instrumental] testo
- Just a Little Talk With Jesus testo
- Katy Hill [Instrumental] testo
- Kentucky Mandolin [Instrumental] testo
- Kentucky Waltz testo
- Kiss Me Waltz [Instrumental] testo
- Lady of the Blue Ridge [Instrumental] testo
- Linda Lou testo
- Little Girl and the Dreadful Snake testo
- Little Maggie testo
- Little Shepherd (Call of the Shepherd) [#][Instrumental] testo
- Lochwood [Instrumental] testo
- Log Cabin in the Lane testo
- Lonesome Moonlight Waltz testo
- Lonesome Moonlight Waltz [Instrumental] testo
- Lonesome Road Blues testo
- Long Black Veil testo
- Lord Lead Me On testo
- Louisville Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Love Please Come Home testo
- Lucky Lady [Instrumental] testo
- McKinley's March [Instrumental] testo
- Melissa's Waltz for J.B. [Instrumental] testo
- Memories of Mother and Dad testo
- Memories of You testo
- Methodist Preacher [Instrumental] testo
- Mighty Dark to Travel testo
- Milenburg Joy [Instrumental] testo
- Monroe's Blues [Instrumental] testo
- Monroe's Hornpipe [Instrumental] testo
- Mule Skinner Blues testo
- My Last Days on Ears [Instrumental] testo
- My Little Georgia Rose testo
- My Rose of Old Kentucky testo
- My Rose of Old Kentucky [Take 2] testo
- Never Again (Will I Knock on Your Door) testo
- Never Leave the A-String [Instrumental] testo
- Nine Pound Hammer testo
- No Letter In The Mail testo
- No One But My Darlin' testo
- Old Brown County Barn [Instrumental] testo
- Old Danger Field [Instrumental] testo
- Old Ebenezer Scrooge [Instrumental] testo
- Old Joe Clark testo
- Old Joe Clark [Instrumental] testo
- On and On testo
- Orange Blossom Special testo
- Orange Blossom Special [Instrumental] testo
- Orange Blossom Special [Live][Instrumental] testo
- Out in the Cold World testo
- Paddy on the Turnpike [Instrumental] testo
- Panhandle Country [Instrumental] testo
- Pike Country Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Pike County Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Pinewood Valley [Instrumental] testo
- Poison Love testo
- Poor White Folks [Instrumental] testo
- Precious Memories testo
- Precious Memories [#] testo
- Put My Little Shoes Away testo
- Raw Hide testo
- Rawhide [Instrumental] testo
- Remember the Cross testo
- Remember the Cross [Take 2] testo
- Right, Right On [Instrumental] testo
- Roanoke [Instrumental] testo
- Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms testo
- Sailor's Hornpipe testo
- Sailor's Hornpipe [Instrumental] testo
- Sally Goodin [Instrumental] testo
- Salt Creek [Instrumental] testo
- Santa Claus [Instrumental] testo
- Scotland [Instrumental] testo
- Shake My Mother's Hand for Me testo
- Shenandoah Breakdown [Instrumental] testo
- Sittin' Alone in the Moonlight testo
- Sitting on Top of the World testo
- Soldier's Joy testo
- Soldier's Joy [#] testo
- Soldier's Joy [Instrumental] testo
- Southern Flavor [Instrumental] testo
- Stone Coal [Instrumental] testo
- Stoney Lonesome [Instrumental] testo
- Sugar Coated Love testo
- Sugar Loaf Mountain [Instrumental] testo
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot testo
- Tall Pines testo
- Tall Timber [Instrumental] testo
- Tallahassee [Instrumental] testo
- Tennessee Blues [Instrumental] testo
- Texas Blue Bonnet [Instrumental] testo
- Texas Gallop [Instrumental] testo
- Texas Lone Star [Instrumental] testo
- The Dead March [Instrumental] testo
- The Gold Rush [Instrumental] testo
- The Golden West [Instrumental] testo
- The Lee Weddin' Tune [Instrumental] testo
- The Little Girl and the Dreadful Snake testo
- The Long Bow [Instrumental] testo
- The Old Gray Mare Came Tearing Out of the Wilderness [Instrumental] testo
- The Old Mountaineer [Instrumental] testo
- The Prisoner's Song testo
- There Was Nothing We Could Do testo
- Thinking About You testo
- Time Changes Everything testo
- Travelin' This Lonesome Road testo
- Turkey In The Straw testo
- Turkey in the Straw [Instrumental] testo
- Uncle Pen testo
- Used to Be testo
- Virginia Darlin' [Instrumental] testo
- Walk Softly On This Heart Of Mine testo
- Walking in Jerusalem testo
- Watermelon Hanging on the Vine [Instrumental] testo
- Watson Blues [Instrumental] testo
- Were You There When They Crucified My Lord testo
- Were You There? testo
- What Would You Give in Exchange? testo
- Wheel Hoss [Instrumental] testo
- When You Are Lonely testo
- Y'all Come testo
- You'll Find Her Name Written There testo
- You're Drifting Away testo