Testi canzoni Battleroar
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Almuric
- Battleroar
- Berzerker
- Blood Of Legends
- Calm Before The Storm
- Chivalry
- Deep Buried Faith
- Dragonship
- Dreams On Steel
- Dyvim Tvar
- Exile Eternal
- Immortal Chariot
- Megaloman
- Morituri Te Salutant
- Mourning Sword
- Narsil (Reforge The Sword)
- Poisoned Well
- Relentless Waves
- Siegecraft
- Stormgiven
- Sword Of Crom
- Swordbrothers
- The Curse Of Manea
- The Swords Are Drawn
- The Tower Of The Elephant
- The Wanderer
- Valkyries Above Us
- Vampire Killer
- Victorious Path