Testi canzoni Bald Vulture
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- Intro testo
- Adeptes De L'ombre testo
- Buffalo Kill testo
- Happy Clown testo
- Je Me Souviens... testo
- Tous Kagoulé testo
- Aux Noms Des Fils testo
- Cyborg testo
- Rs=2Mg/C² testo
- Swear By Satan testo
- Rock N Road testo
- She's Fucked testo
- The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Is Probably Just A Train testo
- Publishitty testo
- Mr. Animal testo
- Suicide testo
Éponyme (2005)
- One testo
- Unity testo
- Sunday Bloody Sunday testo
- Wind Of Change testo
- Territory testo
- Enough Is Enough testo
Short Antology Of Human Decadance (2002)
- Intro Carmina Burana testo
- Last Ditch testo
- Surrounded By Vulture testo
- Weapon Is In Your Head testo
- We're Creep testo
- Story Of Evolution testo
- Punkcore From Hell testo
- Interlude #1 In E Major testo
- Nothing Close To Your Fake Reality testo
- Without Forgiveness testo
- Interlude #2 In D Minor testo
- Exploited World testo
- Do We Really Need Thirteen? testo