Testi canzoni B 52s
Ordina per:
- Album
- Alfabetico
- Più Visitati
- 52 Girls
- 6060-842
- Ain't It A Shame
- Bad Influence
- Big BIrd
- Breezin'
- Bushfire
- Butterbean
- Channel Z
- Communicate
- Cosmic Thing
- Dance This Mess Around
- Deadbeat Club
- Detour Thru Your Mind
- Downtown
- Dreamland
- Dry County
- Girl From Ipanema Goes To Greenland
- Good Stuff
- Hero Worship
- Hot Pants Explosion
- Is That You Mo-Dean
- Juicy Jungle
- Junebug
- Lava
- Legal Tender
- Love Shack
- Mesopotamia
- Monster (in My Pants)
- Nineteen
- Party Out Of Bounds
- Planet Claire
- Private Idaho
- Queen Of Las Vegas
- Revolution Earth
- Roam
- Rock Lobster
- She Brakes For Rainbows
- Song For A Future Generation
- Summer Of Love
- Tell It Like It T-T-Is
- The Chosen One
- Theme For A Nude Beach
- There's A Moon In The Sky (Called The Moon)
- Topaz
- Trism
- Vision Of A Kiss
- Whammy Kiss
- Wig